Mercredi 16 mars, les 2M se sont rendus à la Philharmonie de Paris pour une exposition sur le hip-hop.
A new exhibition took place at the Philharmonie in Paris. It’s about Hip-Hop and it’s called “Hip-Hop 360 : Glory to the Street Art.” It first opened on December 17th 2021.
The exhibition starts in a small corridor where the first art pieces are exposed. They are about graphs and there’s a little explanation about who made them and why.
Then, the music part starts and there’s a little vinyl booth where you can listen to the old Hip-Hop classics.
From this moment, it wasn’t really an exhibition where you follow a path but it was more like a very big room where you can go wherever you want. You can totally start from the end and you won’t be lost in any way.
At the center, there was a big round room with music clips in 360° on the wall where we could dance. There were a lot of little rooms spread out throughout the exhibition with music clips, radio, rap contenders or a show from the past talking about rap.
I really liked the exhibition because it was fun and I like music although I’m not into old music or old school rap, I was still interested and I think the designers of the exhibition did that very well because nowadays, there are not that many people that listen to this style of music but they still made it interesting and captivating.
Apart from being an exhibition for younger people, to let them know what was before actual hip-hop, I think that the people who made the exhibition also wanted to change elder’s minds because they could have prejudices on this style if they never really understood it or never were part of this musical trend. It really taught us about rap and old Hip-Hop.
The headphones were a really good idea too but if I had to find a bad side, I would say that at certain points, there were too many texts and I think they could put all these texts into an audio file and just let the authors, dates, and names of the art pieces written on the wall.
Overall it was a very cool exhibition, it was clear and they did a very good job at including all sorts of people, ages and interests into the exhibition.

Photos taken by Houssen, 2M student