Faut-Il voyager pour être heureux?
Voici leurs impressions :
Hi dear readers!
Today, we went to the EDF Foundation to see the exhitbition called « Faut-il voyager pour être heureux? » It was in Paris and it made us think….
We asked ourselves questions like : is travelling a source of stress ? We thought that trips were made to relax, it can be a subject of anxiety for many people. Indeed, to be in an airport can cause panic attacks for example. This exhibition showed us many short movies about that. Have you seen your parents stressed out when you go on holidays? It’s okay; but don’t let this feeling overwhelm you! 🙂
We learned that tourism has a big impact on our planet : planes make a lot of pollution and infrastructures change landscapes… So we asked ourselves if today we really travel around the world like robots taking pictures of everythinf without seeing that they don’t really visit places.
However, we invite you to discover the whole world while keeping in mind your environmental impact. This exhibition showed us all aspects that exist while traveling. We invite you to visit it, you will think a lot! 🙂
Anna & Camille
Toutes les infos sur le BTS Assurance au Lycée Paul Lapie
Vendredi 3 février 2023 de 16h à 17h
Le lycée Paul Lapie a l’honneur de recevoir
Franco-Togolais et ancien secrétaire d’Etat chargé de l’intégration au gouvernement de 1991 à 1993.
Passionnés de politique ou pas, vous aurez la chance de le rencontrer et lui poser vos questions au CDI de 16h à 17h. Le nombre de places étant limité à 30, nous vous conseillons de vous inscrire rapidement auprès des professeures documentalistes Mme Guyot-Brulez et Mme Augustynowicz