Questions on the current pandemic and the future of our planet
2M students voice their opinions:
Regarding the current circumstances, I asked a question to the people in my group. “What habits do you miss the most during this period and what do you find it difficult to adapt to?”
They were generally in agreement and of the same opinion on the question, the main constraints for them was to no longer see their friends and their family anymore, but also to no longer be able to enjoy their passions as before.
It depends of course on the activity in question, whether it is art or music. The latter can actually be performed alone but the conditions are not the same as with an orchestra.
Those who do individual sports such as running have the opportunity to continue training but unfortunately for those who do team sports they will have to wait until the end of the period of confinement.
They also told me that it was strange for them not to be able to go out normally without being asked questions and to go to public places such as stores or cinemas.
Surprisingly and contrary to their initial opinions, school seems to be missed by the students because their way of life is much less dynamic and not seeing their comrades and friends is frustrating.
Eva Vr
Will nature take back its rights?
My group was made up of Lisa, Mona, Léa, Jules and myself of course. Their responses were diverse, which allowed me to make a good synthesis.
Lisa thought that in the end, nature would not regain its rights because with ubiquitous human activity, even a cataclysm of a phenomenal scale could perhaps slow down the spread of pollution which kill the planet, but not end it. Mona told me that nature will eventually reclaim its rights, because the disappearance of non-renewable natural resources will be the end of industries such as petrochemicals and all large companies. It will mean the end of all things technical, modern or needing energy and man will return to Prehistoric times.
Lea did not really know what will happen when man disappears, either nature would regain its rights but hundreds of years later than what Mona predicted or that what men had done to the planet would not allow them to survive. Jules, for his part, partly shared Lisa’s opinion, with the fact that if men ever become extinct, it would take nuclear reactors for example years to stop and would probably cause cataclysmic repercussions.
And we do not yet know what man will invent in the years to come, nor the consequences of these inventions.
Louis G.
Nowadays, lots of questions are asked about the coronavirus pandemic, our future and our planet’s future. It is the reason why we asked some people their point of view and how they would imagine their everyday life in 2050.
So, here is our question …
How will our everyday life look like thirty years from now?
Some people spoke about technology. Most of them think it will get bigger and stronger day after day. Technology will make our life easier (thanks to robots), funnier (with flying cars), but it won’t help our planet save itself from pollution.
By the way, those we interviewed also spoke about the environment and climate change.
In their opinion, everyday life in 2050 will look exactly like today during the quarantine: main resources like water and food will be limited and we won’t be able to go out because of global warming, it will be too hot.
To sum it up: Take care of the planet and beware technology
What steps should be taken to stem the pandemic?
We must all stay confined and go out as little as possible to do our shopping, or to get some fresh air. It is also often necessary to wash hands and have contact with as few people as possible. we must not take this situation lightly and remain cautious.
We have to be wary so that the contagion stops as soon as possible. I think we must all respect the containment measures to stop the spread of the virus and return to normal life.
Will the world get better or worse in the next few years?
I think that if we don’t change anything, the situation will get worse: air pollution and high temperatures are going to be unbearable in many countries. But if everybody tries to limited Co2 emissions, it can be better but it will take a lot of time to see a positive change
Marianne thinks that it actually depends on people but that the world will get even worse in the next few years because we keep damaging the environment
Anissa thinks that if we keep living this way we will have bigger problems in the future with global warming and its impact on the world with dirtier air or a higher death rate or more acidic oceans which is not good for the weather is getting hotter and drier so she thinks that the world will get worse in the future.
Finally, Lila thinks that the world will not stop getting worse and worse over the years because of human activities that are harmful to the environment such as pollution which can have multiple environmental consequences.
Do you think the decisions taken to stop Covid-19 have proved effective?
In the face of Covid-19, decisions focused mainly on the scale of the lockdown.
Some people find that the decisions made are already very effective and that letting some citizens go out to play sports, run errands or even walk their dog is a good thing because we have to give people some freedom and restrictions should not be excessive.
On the other hand, some people find the decisions are not strict enough and not effective enough and that because of this we will not be able to stop the Covid-19. These people think that we should be in total containment without allowing anyone out and by imposing heavy fines on people who trespass in order to prevent the virus from spreading. Furthermore, they feel that the President is not clear enough in his addresses and that he should take more precautions against this dangerous virus.
How long will the epidemic last?
Some people think that by the end of this month it will be over if all the confinement rules are followed. Other thoughts that it will be this summer with the arrival of heat.
The second question is « do you think there is paranoia behind the corona virus ». Some people think so and that it is completely stupid to go and store up toilet paper. The other party thinks that there is no paranoia, that this situation is very serious and that we must take great precautions like buying toilet paper.
The third question is « do you thing humans will be able to mutate », for this question there was no debate everyone replied that it was ridiculous, we only see it in movies.
Does the human race have a future with global warming?
I asked this question to four people in my class and the answers were different: some are quite positive and think that we can improve especially now that mentalities are changing. They say that if we are careful global warming could slow down and thus increase the chances of a better future for the human race.
But others think that it is already too late for the Earth and its inhabitants, they say that global warming is too advanced, that it will destroy the planet because anyway there is still too much pollution coming from all over the world such as the fashion industry or nuclear plants, that we cannot go back and that even if it is surely in a long time, the human race may disappear or in any case live in very difficult conditions.
Will the pandemic have consequences for future generations?
Some people think the pandemic will have consequences because this is one of the most important health crises in recent years. Moreover, it had been a long time since French people’s movements had been restricted. If the virus kills many people and researchers can’t find a vaccine, future generations will adapt to the viruses and eventually resist them.
On the other hand, others find that it will have no consequences if people abide by the measures taken by the government. This is not the first health crisis that the world must face such as Ebola for example in 2013.
With the coronavirus epidemic which currently affects a lot of people, I’m asking myself a lot of questions about the future of humanity. But my most important question is: “Do you think that the disappearance of the human species will be due to human activity or natural factors?”
I asked four people to give me an answer. Three of them, including Nathanaëlle, answered: « I think both, because both of them are actually destroying our planet », Eva: « I think both will make the humans disappear… » and Côme said that human activity and natural factors are going to be the cause of our disappearance.
Gas produced by big factories, or fossil energy usage is provoking CO2 emission by human and create the greenhouse effect so global warming. The consequences are natural catastrophes like cyclones, rising sea level, droughts or perturbation of water.
Mounir said: « I think it will be a natural catastrophe because a meteorite could fall on the earth ». It’s a really good answer and I haven’t thought about it. Of course we can image another catastrophe like a biological crisis on account of frosty air or volcanic eruption.
All things considered the two options are possible. But I think that human activity is going to cause the loss of humanity because that is already what it is doing and we can see the consequences with global warming.
Will technology be able to save us from trouble?
Most people think technology won’t because, for example, a virus could be faster than it. However, it’s a main advantage to limit the risk of out-of-control complications by communicating.
But others believe technology could always overcome everything thanks to its adaptive power. Even if it takes some time, it will prevail.
So, if technology can’t save us totally, it will help a lot and find a sustainable solution.
Eva C
What if there were not enough doctors anymore?
First of all, if there were not enough doctors in this period it would create a medical crisis and if it goes from bad to worse, infected people wouldn’t have access to the best treatment and doctors would have to make a choice between those they will save and those they won’t.
People that I interviewed, told me that it would raise panic and protest.
Most people said that hospitals will have to choose which people to treat. They will deal first with people with the longest life expectancy and leave out the elderly.
What will be the consequences of the coronavirus on investments in hospitals?
Today, the planet is plunged into an epidemic period with the coronavirus. France has been in the midst of this crisis for several days and patients are pouring in. The hospitals are full and the first hardware problems appear. Protective masks are out of stock and resuscitation beds are missing.
Hospital staff start to get upset while the government have pledged rapid supplies.
Now, the question is to know whether the coronavirus crisis will change future government actions on hospital funding.
Some people think the government will change its course with preventive measures for another epidemic, they think this crisis will have taught a lesson and that the government will be forced to change its financial plans.
Others think that the government will not increase the investments because the crisis will have caused huge losses of money and because they think that such a crisis will never happen again.
What will be the major consequences of coronavirus?
This is an interesting question that we have asked several students.
First, they think that covid-19 will have economic consequences. Indeed, they think that a big economic crisis should affect the whole world
since the stores are all shut down and that the companies therefore face difficulties.
Some also think that it will bother students and especially those who have a year-end exam like the bac because schools are close.
Finally, the virus will have and has already had environmental consequences such as a drop in the concentration of nitrogen dioxide.
Falling air traffic will also reduce pollution.
The coronavirus will therefore have socio-economic and environmental consequences on all continents according to the young people we interviewed.
What repercussions will the current pandemic have?
Most people think that there will be very serious economic consequences linked to closing of shops, restaurants, bars and in general all commercial activities combined and of course tourism completely stopped.
Some companies will go bankrupt. Another not negligible consequence is that companies will have to pay a part of the wages to all the parents who had to take care of their children and who can’t work by telecommuting. Now we live under total lockdown we can’t go outside except for basic needs (food and health). This is a real problem for the economy.
However, other people find only one positive point for the Planet, it is bound to reduce air pollution even if it is not for a long time.
Do you think there is paranoia behind this whole story of Coronavirus?
Some people think that there is no paranoia because it is a pandemic, this is not to be taken lightly, so you have to listen to everything we are told: protect yourself and stay at home, and it’s a deadly virus, moreover, it’s normal to try to avoid it spreading
Others claim that think there is a lot of paranoia, and a lot of pressure from the government, but if we don’t do all this, people will not pay attention and we will all catch it, people should all stay at home then, that’s it, so it will end as quickly as possible, and people are scared but still do stupid things.
What economic and social repercussions will the coronavirus have?
Raluca thinks that things will take a turn to the worse and the virus will trigger an economic crisis
because of the decreasing production and lead to a revolution, which will “lead proletarians to free themselves from their chains” according to Louis.
Eva said the most vulnerable companies won’t survive first, followed by all others even with the government’s help. Then globalization will be called into question especially regarding trade relations with China
Finally, for Andrea, the world economy will fall because of the closing borders and she thinks that people won’t trust each other anymore out of fear of the virus and they’ll continue to stay confined.
See you soon for another vox pop,
What’s the impact of humans on the world ?
I first interviewed Marianne:
“human impact is at the same time positive and negative. The good side is that without human, pets wouldn’t have anywhere to live, farm animals would be eaten by predators instead of humans. But there are also downsides like we keep killing animals and nature for our pleasure and it’s really dangerous for our planet.
So, humans can have bad repercussion but also good consequences.”
Lila said:
“The impact of humans on the world is mostly negative because we do more harm to the planet than good because of several factors like global warming and also pollution that causes the decline of biodiversity and full of environmental imbalance. »
Romain said:
« I think humans have a big impact on the world because of the pollution or the global warming. I think it can change but it will take a lot of time but we can all reduce our CO2 impact and try to eat a little less of meat. But if we continue it’s going to be really difficult to live on earth. »
My opinion on this is that humans cause more harm than good because of the pollution and global warming and other things that gradually ruin the earth and there will be a moment where we will no longer be able to live. So, we need to be careful and change our bad habits.
What would be the consequences if there was a shortage of food and medical supplies?
Overall, the same answer often comes up, that there is a kind of survival when might is right prevails. They also told me it would create an apocalypse and that governments being overwhelmed could not do anything. This would create a situation in which everyone can count only on themselves and no one else.
As for the shortage of medical equipment, this would create a mess or the state would be forced to make choices such as promoting medical assistance to the younger person.
Finally, this would produce a health crisis and people would die from lack of care due to a lack of medical supplies.
What habits do you miss the most during this period and what you find difficult to adapt to?
They were generally in agreement and of the same opinion on the question, the main constraints for them being to no longer see their friends and their family anymore, but also to no longer be able to practice their passions as before.
It depends of course on the activity in question, whether it is art as well as music that one can actually play alone in confinement but where the conditions are not the same as in a group with an orchestra.
Those who do individual sports such as running have the chance to continue training but unfortunately for those who do team sports this will have to wait until the end of this period of lockdown.
They also told me that it was strange for them not to be able to go out normally without having to ask questions and to go to public places like stores, cinemas etc.
Surprisingly and contrary to the initial opinions, school seems to be missed by students because their way of life is much less dynamic and the fact of not seeing their classmates and friends is felt as a loss.
Eva Vc
What would you do if there was no more food supply in the supermarket?
If there was/were no more food supply in supermarkets most people would grow fruit and vegetables on their balcony or in their garden. Some would go hunting animals in the forest or resort to cannibalism. And the rest would move far away from the cities into a forest and try to survive by hunting, building a small house and making a campfire.
Opinions are diverse but it is a question of survival for everyone.
“What do you think would be the scenario of human extinction?”
Some people think that a pandemic virus could lead to shortages all around the world. And because of this lack of food, people would kill each other to survive. So, all humans would die either from the virus or from killings.
Another opinion is that climatic change will at first kill the different species on Earth until humans have nothing to eat. Humans would get into a war to get the last scraps of food but, when there will be is no more food left, there will be no more human left either.
However, some people think that human extinction will be due to a disaster. Either because of a natural phenomenon like a gigantic eruption, the fall of a meteorite or because of a technological problem like a huge explosion.
What should we do to slow down Global Warming?
According to the people asked, to slowdown global warming, we need to take a lot of initiatives.
First of all, we have to put an end to many bad habits like overbuying, wasting, deforestation and overfishing. Those steps are really difficult for people to take but it would make a big difference.
Next, we should decrease the use of a lot of polluting materials and technology. We should reduce the use of polluting cars and non-renewable energy, encourage environment-friendly transports, limit the use of internet.
Finally, to stop global warming, people think that we should change our lifestyle, recycle more and develop mutual help.
What would you do if you learnt that you are infected
What if some random day, you figured out that you have the virus, it must kill you but also people close to you…
What would you do? We asked some people…
Maybe some of us will try to fly somewhere the virus isn’t yet, to escape from it, but it will be denying the fact that you are yourself dangerous.
Almost everyone we interviewed said they would go to the hospital and then isolate themselves from others at their home.
They will stay far from anyone, taking distances from their friends and family. And forcing them to pass a test just in case they got infected too.
We remind you that even if you don’t feel the symptoms, you can be a carrier. Adopt barrier gesture, little things can save a life.
What actions should be taken today to avoid a new epidemic in the future?
The threat of a new epidemic in the future is very present and we see today that we lack efficient measures and panic reigns over the whole world. We interviewed four people to find out what measures were missing if we were to deal with a new epidemic in the future. Some believe that the poorest countries should develop more quickly so that drinking water resources, for example, are accessible as quickly as possible.
Others believe that everyone should pay attention to everything they do in order to take cleaner measures more effectively than they do today. Finally, all agreed that some countries such as France and Spain were not ready to face a pandemic of this magnitude, and that, as a result, health equipment such as protective masks or hydroalcoholic gels is lacking.
Currently the world is going through a terrible health crisis. Thousands of people are contaminated and some of them are already dead. Practically every country is contaminated and some of them put their population in quarantine. So, with my classmates, we debated the consequences of the evolution of the COVID-19 for mankind and the planet.
I asked them whether they think the Human species can disappear because of that virus.
Two students said that we will mostly disappear someday but that they do not think that the time has come.
Another one said that he thinks that a vaccine will be found. The last one said that the Human species will not disappear because even if a lot of people die, the virus can’t kill more than 7 billion people.
Personally, I think that our species will not disappear because we have a very developed medicine and some very good doctors.
We came to the conclusion that the human species can’t become extinct with this crisis but if a lot of other crises like this one happen, our species could be in danger.
if humans disappear, what do you think will happen?
Most students believe that this will lead to a change in the climate and the environment in general.
Another person said that all the buildings and infrastructures will collapse and crash into each other and nature will take its rights due.
Another added that the world will be a healthier place.
The last person thinks that another species like monkeys could take over the Earth.
Eva Vs
Some French students think the coronavirus is not strong enough to eradicate humans from the surface of the earth.
If we respect all the security measures, there will be fewer infected people day by day.
In China, for example, they have cured most of the sick people so we can do the same.
Obviously, we have to respect the president’s decision about staying in quarantine because otherwise if people continue to go out, there will be more and more infected people and so the virus will take much longer to be stopped.
However, others think that the coronavirus could kill all humans if we continue to contaminate each other without taking precautions.
How long do you think the epidemic will last?
Members of my group believe that the epidemic will slow down when the population obeys and stops going out. People take advantage of it to go out because we have the right to go out to play sports and do shopping and therefore spreads the coronavirus. To slow it down people should stay locked up at home. But nobody knows when the epidemic is going to stop, it may last for weeks or for months.
Here is today’s CoronaNews in Courbevoie, I took to the street to meet – more than one meter away – people going to work. And for them, I had a question: “How is your quarantine going?”
The first woman with short and brown short hair said: “I am still working so, I have no time for you, but I miss the sun, and going out with my friends”. The second, said more poetically: “It’s so sad to see the sun rise out of the window but I keep busy with my books.”. The third, tall and with a Greta-Thumberg haircut said : “My quarantine is so boring that I have done the cleaning in my room for the first time in 3 years. Now, I’m constantly facetiming with my 2 best friends and still hoping that you know who is going to write me a « hello bitch » “. After she said : “and I want to hang out’’. It’s day 4 in Courbevoie City.
Louis B
Will the economy crash soon? ».
The answers were mostly the same. Come and Nathanaëlle thinks that the economy will collapse because the countries are in quarantine and no one can work.
Eva and Amelia are more less categoric, they think that the world is likely to see the economy crash but not with this crisis. For them, if the virus mutates, the economy is almost sure to collapse.
Have humans already left a permanent mark on the planet?
After collecting the testimonies of my classmates, I noticed a difference.
Some say that humans have already left an indelible mark on planet earth because they think we have already gone too far.
Others think that if we stop now to use the planet to pollute as much, the earth will regenerate itself over time.
In this era of the Corona Virus epidemic, I asked some students about the future, because they are the future. My question was: “how do you imagine the future of our planet?”. This question was very wide-ranging on a very unsettled matter…However I got four opinions.
First of all, we got Eva’s opinion. She thinks that “Our planet will probably be barren and dry if humans don’t realize how fragile/ vulnerable it is”.
In agreement with Eva’s opinion, Amélia said “I believe that human activity will destroy the fauna and flora. Then mankind will disappear…”.
The girls thought that humans are the cause of all the problems on our planet and that they will be at the origin of their extinction. To follow up on the problems of our planet, Mounir evoked “The CO2 emission is going to increase.” It’s true that the problem of CO2 emission has many consequences such as global warming.
Finally, on the contrary Côme had a rather positive opinion on the subject. He said “I think that now Human species will be carefully more cautious with the environment”. We hope so…
In conclusion, we can see that these students see mainly environmental problems in our future. In fact, three out of four people are very pessimistic about the future of our planet.