Catégorie : 2M Class News
Sorties et activités de la 2e Medialangues
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Les 2M à Radio France
On Tuesday, October 15th, the media class had the chance to go to Radio France. We were split into 3 groups to explore the studios of France Inter and France Info.
We began by visiting the auditorium, where many concerts and shows are recorded. Then we went to a recording studio where we observed the technicians at work. We also saw the editors who prepared the day’s news topics. Moreover, we went to an open space with lots of clocks showing different times zones which is very important for contacting their correspondants.
Next, we had the chance to learn about radio production in real conditions. We were split into six groups of five. Each of us had a mission for this radio. We talked about the day’s news. For example, one of the most important topic was Mbappé being accused of rape. In the group, there was a journalist who wrote two news flashes, and interviewer and Mbappé’s mother, who was actually a student, a host and a technician. The goal was to show us the profession of journalist, their tools and gestures.
It was an unforgettable experience so thank you Radio France for this opportunity !
Maia & Marie
Les 2M au Festival America de Vincennes
On the 27th of September, the 2M went to the Festival America to meet Eric Chacour and to talk about his book : « Ce que je sais de toi ».
At first, we went to a building to create our podcast. During this activity, we wrote some texts to read them and after to make the podcast.
After that, we went to meet Eric Chacour. Eric Chacour is a banker, he has written his book during his free time, sometimes after work. It took him 15 years to write « Ce que je sais de toi ». Eric Chacour is a very nice guy and he is also interesting.
We have made an interview with the author and students of the class asked some questions to Eric Chacour and we could see that he was passionate by his book and by the characters of the book.
Finally, all the class appreciated the school trip and you should read the book « Ce que je sais de toi ».
Maxence & Yanis