Semaine de la presse à Radio France

Mardi 22 Mars, à l’occasion de la semaine de la presse, les 2M se sont rendus dans les locaux de Radio France afin de rencontrer des professionnels de l’information.

Jean Leymarie : a journalist

On March 22nd, we did a “speed meeting” : we talked with a professional around a table and every 15 minutes, we moved to another person’s table. In total, we met 4 professionals. I chose to share with you what I learnt with Jean Leymarie.

He is a journalist from France Info and also a radio presenter. He is known for his radio show, which is also broadcasted by the canal 27, “l’invité éco.” Each evening, he is interviewing people who play a major role in the economy since September 2014. He told us that, in order to be a good journalist, you have to be passionate about it and really like your job. The best quality to have is curiosity. He said that he’s paid to be curious. Even though this job isn’t known to make people wealthy, he said that, in Radio France, people are well paid.

I really like how it went because of the concept of the speed meeting instead of just talking with a bunch of people. It makes it less boring and more fun. It was very interesting and some of the people we’ve met were very funny and seemed very passionate about their jobs. I think that’s a great initiative that could help us find about what we want to do later.


Hélène Larbois : a sound engineer

Hèlène Langlois is a sound engineer in Radio France. Radio France is located in « La Maison de la Radio » in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. Radio France includes seven national radio : France Inter, France musique, France info, France bleu, mouv, France culture, Fip. Hélène Langlois works as a sound engineer, her job is about recording sounds thanks to her pole and her recording device. Being a sound engineer is necessarily with a team, sound engineers and journalists work together on the field. They will have to move around the country and the world according to news events. To become a sound engineer you can do a BTS in the audiovisual field or spend three years in a private school which isn’t free. Being a sound engineer means that none of your days will look alike.



Christine Moncla : a news reporter

Christine Moncla is a journalist but she used to be a reporter. To get there, she explains that there isn’t a reporter school, she advises going to a journalism school but it’s not the only way. As far as she’s concerned, she did a DUT of journalism, then she went to Science Po Lyon and she graduated from a Spanish university in Madrid.

Her job consists of getting people’s opinions about topics. She likes her job because she works on the field, she prefers avoiding danger and risks like war zones. She travels a lot (Libya, Venezuela, Cuba). In general there is one person with loads of experience and another who is less experienced. Her striking experience was in Libya because it was a dangerous place and the journalists were not appreciated.

We also learnt that reporting is not a stable job at all, the hours are not fixed (day and night hours..). As for the salary, although there is a possibility of evolution, it is around 2000 euros net per month. To be a good reporter, she explained, you have to be curious, enduring, to love the world around you, meet new people, and not judge people at first sight. But the most important thing is to be really passionate about your work because it’s really not a job you can choose out of spite.

As far as we are concerned, we found this interview very enriching because we were able to discover a lot about the job of a reporter.  It was extremely interesting to learn more about an atypical job like this. We can feel that she loves what she does and she managed to share a little bit of her passion with us.

Zakari & Alexandra

Hélène Mai : a senior digital product manager

I am going to talk about a senior digital product manager. Her name is Hélène Mai, she works at Radio France. She created the vision of the “Radio France” app, since its creation until now. We asked her about the work hours, and she said that it was very basic, not like the others. The others said that the hours at work could varies, but she said that hers were very basic, which is good. The others would work until 3 in the morning or very late at night, but she has normal hours, like 9:30 am to 6:30 pm.

She also talked about the qualities required to do this job: it requires math, curiosity, working in groups. We need to listen to each other but also be strict.

It was a great experience !


Souhail Jebali : manager of the Radio France developing team

Souhail Jebali : this person is the manager of the developing team in Radio France. His job is to create and code websites or apps for the Radio France group which means that he and his team are in charge of coding every related app for the radio. He created the mouv website, he is very proud of his work and happy about his team. He likes his job and we can see it by the way he talks about it . The reasons why he chose this job is because he liked solving puzzle and that’s how he sees coding. I find his job interesting because I also think that coding is like a puzzle.






Exposition Hip-Hop 360

Mercredi 16 mars, les 2M se sont rendus à la Philharmonie de Paris pour une exposition sur le hip-hop.

A new exhibition took place at the Philharmonie in Paris. It’s about Hip-Hop and it’s called “Hip-Hop 360 : Glory to the Street Art.” It first opened on December 17th 2021.

The exhibition starts in a small corridor where the first art pieces are exposed. They are about graphs and there’s a little explanation about who made them and why.
Then, the music part starts and there’s a little vinyl booth where you can listen to the old Hip-Hop classics.

From this moment, it wasn’t really an exhibition where you follow a path but it was more like a very big room where you can go wherever you want. You can totally start from the end and you won’t be lost in any way.

At the center, there was a big round room with music clips in 360° on the wall where we could dance. There were a lot of little rooms spread out throughout the exhibition with music clips, radio, rap contenders or a show from the past talking about rap.

I really liked the exhibition because it was fun and I like music although I’m not into old music or old school rap, I was still interested and I think the designers of the exhibition did that very well because nowadays, there are not that many people that listen to this style of music but they still made it interesting and captivating.

Apart from being an exhibition for younger people, to let them know what was before actual hip-hop, I think that the people who made the exhibition also wanted to change elder’s minds because they could have prejudices on this style if they never really understood it or never were part of this musical trend. It really taught us about rap and old Hip-Hop.

The headphones were a really good idea too but if I had to find a bad side, I would say that at certain points, there were too many texts and I think they could put all these texts into an audio file and just let the authors, dates, and names of the art pieces written on the wall.

Overall it was a very cool exhibition, it was clear and they did a very good job at including all sorts of people, ages and interests into the exhibition.



Photos taken by Houssen, 2M student